none 用法:與neither, no one, not...any, none of比較

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none 用法:與neither, no one, not...any, none of比較

2024-07-12 00:08| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265

04/04/201902/02/2020 陳博士Posted in 每日輕鬆學英語 none與neither比較

問:_________ the two boys is suitable for his post.A. None ofB. Neither ofC. No one ofD. Either of請問上面的句子能否用None of ?

答:談到三個或三個以上的人或事物時,才能用none 或none of (參見下面的none of用法) 。談到兩個人或事物時只能使用neither 或nether of(參見neither用法) 。因此,上面的題只能選用B(Neither of) 。

None與no one比較

問:_______ of them knw about the plan because it was kept a secret.A. EachB. AnyC. No oneD. None答案為D(None) 。能否選C(No one) 呢?

答:中國内地英語學界有一個流傳很廣的說法: no one 不能與of 片語連用,因此,不能說no one of them, no one of us, no one of you 。但這是不符合英語實際的。請查閱no one of us 條中的例句。


問:(A) I haven’t bought any of them.(B) I have bought none of them.這兩個句子意思是否相同?

答:上面兩個句子的意思相同。只是none 比not…any 否定的語氣更強烈一些。例如:

He liked none of the book. 這些書他一本也不喜歡。Do you have any new diaries? – We’ve got none at the moment. 你們有新日記本嗎?– 我們目前一本也沒有。 none of 用法

問:下面是《英語常用詞用法詞典》(北大西語系英語專業編,商務印書館,1985,修訂版,p.374) 關於none of 的說明:

“[注意] 由於代名詞none 的本義是沒有一個,所以在none of 後不能接不可數名詞。誤: None of the water has been spilt.正: No water has been spilt.“

請問None of 後真的不能接不可數名詞嗎?

答:上面的說法是不符合英語的實際情況的。none of 之後除可以接可數名詞之外,也可以接不可數名詞。下面是我們收集到的一些實例:

Lester had lost none of his charm for her. 萊斯特在她的眼中一點也沒失去魅力。None of the blame was your brother’s. 你弟弟一點過錯也沒有。She had none of her brother’s beauty. 她一點也沒有她哥哥的美貌。He has none of his brother’s selfishness. 他一點也沒有他哥哥的自私自利。None of the milk can be used. 這牛奶一點兒也不能用。How much is left? None (of it). (同上) 剩多少? 一點兒也沒有了。None of the money was ever recovered. 那筆錢一個子兒也沒有收回來。 none of them 用法

問:Jasper hopes that she will turn motorists to stone. But none of them has been turned to stone yet! (New Concept English,Book 2,L.28)上句中的None of them has been…能否改為None of them have been… ?


none of them 後是is還是are?

問:“Who was arrested ?”“ None of the men _____ arrested.”A. wasB. has beenC. would beD. were (《託福應試大全· 文法分冊》浙江大學出版社,1990,p.201) 書上給的標準答案為(A) 。但是,我認為選(D) 也同樣是正確。請看下面出自名作家之手的例句:

None of the rooms are ready. 沒有一個房間準備好。None of us are perfect. 我們之中誰都是不完美的。None of them is/ are ruled by… 他們之中沒有誰受⋯⋯ 統治。


none…is/are 用法

問:在none 作主詞時,其動詞應當用單數還是應當用複數?


A. 當none 與不可數名詞連用或者指的是不可數名詞時,其動詞總是用單數。在這方面傳統文法的規定與實際使用情況是一致的。

We hoped the money would arrive soon,but none was forthcoming. 我們希望那筆錢能很快送到,但一點也沒送來。I wanted some more coffee but there was none left. 我想再要一些咖啡,但一點兒也沒有了。None of the blame was your brother’s. 你弟弟一點兒過錯也沒有。

B. 當none 與複數名詞連用或者所指的是複數名詞時,傳統文法規定其動詞必須使用單數。這一用法得到英語教材和各類英語試題的肯定和強調。但是在實際使用上,人們卻往往傾向於遵循概念一致的原則,而採用動詞的複數。所以,R. Quirk 等人說:

“用複數動詞更為常見,並且,即使在正式用法中也能普遍被人們所接受:None (of the books) has / have been placed on the shelves. 所有的書都沒有放到書架上。”


None of us are perfect. 我們之中沒有誰是十全十美的。/ None of us was certain how he proposed to act. 我們誰也不知道他建議如何行動。None of my neighbours possess cats. 我的鄰居中沒有人養貓。/ None of my neighbours possesses a cat. 我的鄰居沒有一家養貓。None are so deaf as those that will not hear. 不願聽的人比聾子還聾。None of them are of any use to me. 它們對於我毫無用處。

應當指出,近來,有些英語試題已不再堅持none 的動詞永遠使用單數的規則,而出現了符合英語實際使用情況的趨向。

1. You said the books were on the desk but ____________ there.A. there was no one B. there were noneC. there were no ones D. was none

2. None of them _____right.A. is B. areC. wasD. would (本題把is 判為錯誤,似乎不夠嚴謹)

none other than與no other than比較

問:The man over there is __________ our principal. A. no other butB. no other thanC. no one thanD. none other than (攻讀碩士學位研究生入學考試英語試題,84 A)評卷的標準答案是D(none other than),但我認為B (no other thn) 也是正確的。不知您是否同意我的看法。

答:在表達“不是別的正是”這個含義時,英語最常使用的是: none other than 例如:

It was none other than Smith. 不是別人,正是史密斯。It was none other than the famous Mr Victor Hazel. 不是別人,正是著名的維克托·哈澤爾先生。Everyone went to the funeral, for the ‘ghost’ was none other than Eric Cox, a third brother who was supposed to have died as a young man. (New Concept English,Book 3,L.30)

大家都去參加了葬禮,因為“ 幽靈”不是別人,而是考克斯的第三個兄弟,叫埃裡克·考克斯,人們過去曾以為他年輕時就死了。

在正式英語裡,也可以使用no other than 來代替none other than:

It’s no/none other than dear old Irving! 不是別人,正是親愛的老友歐文!It was no other than my old friend Jones. 不是別人,正是我的老朋友鐘斯。 none the + 形容詞比較級

問:My car is none __________ for the accident. A. the badB. much worseC. enough worseD. the worse請指出正確答案。

答:正確答案為D。在none the worse 這個結構裡,none 和the 均為副詞,後面跟形容詞的比較級。none the 的含義為:“一點也不”、“ 毫不”(not at all, no, in no degree) 。上面的句子可以譯為: 我的汽車沒有因為這次事故而受到損壞。類似的例子:

She is none the happier for her happier. 她並不因為自己的美貌而感到高興。I hope you’re none the worse for that fall from our horse. 你從馬上跌了下來,但願你沒有受傷。He spent 2 weeks in hospital but he’s none the better for it. 他在醫院住了兩周,但一點兒也沒有好轉。They appeared none the wiser for your detailed account.  你雖然作了詳細的說明,但他們似乎仍然沒有弄明白。

(參見下面none the worse意思和用法)

none the worse意思和用法

問:My car is none the worse for wear.《朗文現代英漢詞典》(現代出版社,p.949) 的譯文是: 我的車子一點也沒有損耗。我懷疑這句譯文的準確性。

答:這句譯文是違背原意的。none the + 形容詞比較級+ for 這個結構所表達的意義是:“一點兒也沒有因為⋯⋯而變得更⋯ ⋯”。其中for + 名詞結構表達的是一個已發生或即將發生的事實,而不是一個被否定的事實。拿你提問的句子來說,其中的wea r 就是一個既成事實,而不是“ 沒有損耗”。如果把none the worse 跟the worse 作比較,更容易看出這一點:

My shoes are the worse for wear. 我的鞋穿得太久,已是破舊不堪了。My coat is the worse after sleeping in it. 我穿外衣睡覺把外衣睡出褶兒了。




I am none the worse for a single failure. 失敗一次並不能使我氣餒。I think none the worse of thim for refusing to go. 他雖然拒絕去,但我仍然尊敬他。I shall like you none the worse if you tell me exactly what you think of me. 如果你告訴我你對我的真實看法,我還是會同樣喜歡你。

(參見上面none the + 形容詞比較級)


其他看過此文章的讀者也閲讀以下文章【學英文】look at 例句及分析on behalf of 用法. 與in behalf of 作比較「本來」英文怎樣說?英語文法: Inversion (倒裝)always 用法:用錯會變為抱怨別人,小心運用。stay home 與stay at home 中文意思, 用法和區別effort 用法, 例句, 詳解each 用法, 例句, 詳解. 後面跟is 還是are? 與every 有何區別?期待英文:expect 用法主要是指“心理狀態”(state of mind)most 用法, 例句, 詳解. 有most of, the most 等比較




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